Im Capitalism Magazine ist das Kapitel The Great Disconnect aus dem Buch von : "The Capitalist Manifesto" zu finden. Das Buch ist ausgesprochen empfehlenswert, weil Bernstein mit vielen Mythen und Lügen über den Kapitalismus aufräumt. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Kapitel (Hervorhebungen von MDE):
"The system of freedom and wealth is repeatedly and savagely attacked by many intellectuals and other highly educated individuals -- worse, by men and women claiming to be "liberals," humanists, lovers of man, i.e., the very individuals who should function as the protectors and preservers of human life. There is an enormous disconnect between the facts of capitalism's nature and history – and the evaluation of these by many "progressive" writers and the millions whose thinking they influence. The facts of capitalism's nature and history are not unknown. Certainly the educated critics are well aware of them. Capitalism's enemies are simply unimpressed. Why? What is responsible for the great disconnect? The reason is that the objections to capitalism are not based on factual grounds – and all the evidence in the world establishing the freedom and prosperity of those living under capitalism will not influence the system's critics to the slightest degree. The criticisms are motivated solely by moral and philosophical theories.
Since long before capitalism's 18th century inception, moral theories antagonistic to egoism and profit-making have been dominant. From its birth, therefore, capitalism was an intellectual anomaly: a great boon to human prosperity that was unsupported, even opposed, by men's dominant moral and philosophical codes. Hence the tragic historical spectacle of capitalism providing abundance for the first time for untold millions while sustaining repeated intellectual blows from its moral and philosophical enemies -- from thinkers who claimed to care about mankind. For example, socialists – whether of a Marxist or non-Marxist variety – insist that it is an individual's moral obligation to sacrifice himself for the state. Capitalism, they accurately point out, is not founded on principles of self-sacrifice. Rather, capitalism rests on an egoistic moral code – on the inalienable right of each and every man to his own life. The freedom that capitalism offers an individual to pursue his own personal, selfish happiness is, to socialists, anathema. To them, individual rights and political-economic freedom are appalling because they follow logically from an egoistic moral code that they regard as evil.
As a further example, modern egalitarians seek equality of income. But, contrary to their wishes, the freedom of the capitalist system will always lead to enormous disparities of income, because, in fact, individuals are not equal. They are not equal in talent, they are not equal in initiative, they are not equal in capacity to satisfy customer demand. Left free, some individuals will cure cancer, some will make the baseball Hall of Fame, some will drop out of school, some will work in the local grocery store, some will refuse to work and sponge off of families, friends and private charities.
The enormous general prosperity of the capitalist countries – the ability of capitalism to inherit widespread poverty and then proceed to create a vast middle class – does not and will not begin to impress egalitarians. The principle of economic equality – not universal prosperity – is their moral god. Consequently, they admire the "equal" destitution of Cuba's citizens and repudiate the unequally-shared wealth of America. To them, it is morally superior if everybody subsists roughly equally on $1,000 annually and morally inferior if some possess millions while others live on "merely" $15,000 or $20,000 or $30,000. Rational men prefer to earn $15,000 in a country where others are millionaires to $1,000 in a country where others are equally poor. But egalitarians loathe the economic inequalities necessitated by the freedom of the capitalist system."
Das trifft es wohl auf den Punkt!
Theorien oder Fakten?
Mein Eindruck war immer, dass Marx und Engels ihre Theorien beeinflusst durch die teilweise kastrophalen sozialen Folgen der Industrialisierung in England entwickelt haben, die ja mit einer Form des Laissez Faire Kapitalismus in Verbindung stehen.
Das würde der Behauptung widersprechen, dass der Kapitalismus immer nur auf Grund bloßer moralischer Theorien kritisiert wird.
Fakten ...
Gewöhnlich beweinen die Gegner die bösen Folgen der Industriealisierung, während die Verteidiger des Kapitalismus mit den Zuständen vor der Industriealisierung vergleichen. Das Buch von Bernstein bringt recht ausführliche Fakten.
Abgesehen davon wird der Markt immer temporäre Ungleichgewichte schaffen, aber wenn man die Leistungen des Kapitalismus langfristig sieht: Wohlstand für alle, mehr als man sich vorher je hätte träumen lassen.
Ansonsten empfehlenswert: Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics by George Reisman